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BION LIQUID Scientific Advisors

Jin-Hyun Jeong, Ph.D.

Dr. Jin-Hyeon Jeong is currently an industry-academic professor at Seoul National University's Siheung Campus, the president of the PDA (Parenteral Drug Association, an international GMP organization) Korea Chapter, and the CEO of AbChemBio, which develops ADCs (antibody-drug conjugates).

Dr. Jeong graduated from Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Seoul National University and received a Doctor of Science from Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, followed by a post-doc for 3 years at the Scripps Research Institute in USA. Then, he worked as an appointed senior researcher at Department of Applied Chemistry of KIST, and served as a professor at College of Pharmacy, Kyung Hee University for 14 years. Afterwards, he served as a professor at College of Pharmacy, Yonsei University for 11 years. During that period, he served as the head of Biopharmaceutical Industry Graduate Program for 5 years and received the 2018 Korea Pharmaceutical Industry Award for Excellence from the government. 

He planned K-NIBRT, a biopharmaceutical training center and developed hands-on training courses such as mRNA vaccines manufacturing as the founding director of the training center. Currently, he plans a WHO-designated global bio-campus education center at Seoul National University which includes cell and gene therapy process training and biopharma 4.0 training.

Jong-Gu Kang, Ph.D.

CEO and Chairman of Biotoxtech

Emeritus Professor of Veterinary Medicine, Chungbuk National University

서울대 수의대 (학사), 서울대 대학원 수의학과 (석사), 동경대 수의학과 수의병리학 (박사)

현재 ㈜키프라임리서치 회장, ㈜키프론바이오 대표이사, 한국바이오협회 부회장,
한국 CRO협회 회장, 국수수의자문회의 자문위원, 한국바이오협회 부회장,
한국동물보건의료정책연구원 자문위원장, 대한적십자사 충북도지사 상임위원,
충북도 도정정책자문단위원

충북대 수의대학장, 대한수의학회 이사장, 한국실험동물학회 회장, ㈜세종벤처파트너스 대표이사, 충북과학기술포럼 초대회장, 충청북도 과학기술위원회 부회장, 오송첨단의료산업진흥재단 이사, 한약진흥재단 이사 역임

국무총리상 (보건산업진흥부문), 보건복지부장관상 (보건산업진흥대상), 산업통상자원부장관상 (IP-R&D부문), 자랑스런 서울대 수의대인상, 2012년 국가연구개발 우수성과 100선 (미래부), 2014. 4. 과학기술훈장 도약장, 2021. 2. 옥조근정훈장 서훈.

SungAe Suhr Park, Ph.D.

Professional Experience

•    Global Bio-Connection_SSP, Korea and USA (2019-Present): CEO
•    Korea Biotechnology Industry Organization: Seoul, Korea (2019-Present): Advisor
•    Samsung Bioepis, Drug Product Team, Inchon, Korea (2017-2019): Senior Advisor
•    Amgen Inc., Drug Product Development, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA (1996-2017): Principal Scientist
•    R.W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Raritan, NJ, USA (1981-1996): Scientist


•    Ph.D., The Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.A.
•    Master of Art, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa, U.S.A.
•    Bachelor of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea

Awards and Honors

•    CE Pharm Award 2010 from the international meeting of CE Pharm (2010)
•    Several Amgen Bravo Acclaim awards, 3-star, 2-star, 1-star
•    Amgen Development Hall of Fame Award (2002)
•    Corporate Quality ACES Awards (2006, 2007)

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